گھریلو مرغیوں کو شدید گرمی میں کیسے محفوظ رکھا جائے؟ خصوصی تحریر

Management of Heat Stress in Chicken and Household Poultry

Management of Heat Stress in Backyard Poultry

Management of Heat Stress in chicken is very important. It is also important in backyard poultry or household poultry. Signs of heat stress in poultry may lead to complications also.

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The weather in Pakistan has been intensifying for the last few years; every year weather is hotter than the previous year. In this case, the plain areas are hit by extremely hot weather, with temperature exceeding 40 degrees Celsius. Moreover, the temperature is predicted to rise further in the coming years. At the same time, there are some people who are fond of poultry. These people are enjoying the meat and eggs along with fulfilling their hobby. The important thing for all of them is to protect birds from heat stress.

بیکری چُورے کا پولٹری اور ڈیری فیڈ میں استعمال، کن پہلوؤں کو مدنظر رکھنا چاہئے؛ خصوصی تحریر

This article is written by Hareem Ehsan and  Dr. Waseem Abbas. Dr. Waseem Abbas is a Faculty Member at the Institute of Animal and Dairy Sciences, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad

What is Heat Stress in Poultry?

During severe summer, the internal temperature of birds can reach to alarming limit causing heat stroke.  Due to this excess body heat and dehydration (deficiency of water, salts, and minerals), the internal body system and organs start to be affected. Then the result comes in the form of loss. However, one should take preventive measures to protect birds from heat stroke.

Sings of Heat Stress in Poultry:

In the case of heat stress in chicken, then it shows some symptoms like painting. The bird keeps the beak open. It also puts the wings away from the body. Signs of heat stress in chicken also relates to physiological changes.

Heat stress in chicken causes many physiological changes also. These changes include oxidative stress, acidity imbalance, and suppression of immunity. It may also increase the mortality rate. Moreover, it reduces feed efficiency, body weight, feed intake, and egg production. Furthermore, it also affects the meat and egg quality.

Heat Stress Management in Poultry

Heat stress management in poultry especially in the case of backyard poultry or household poultry is important because at this level we have no advanced arrangements. So one should take measures for the comfort of birds in backyard poultry or household poultry.

Management of Heat Stress in Chicken and Household Poultry

Provision of Fresh and Cold Water

Keep available the fresh and cold water every time. Mix electrolytes or apple cider vinegar along with water-soluble vitamins. Use large pots as they will not heat up the water quickly. Chickens do not drink hot water even when they are thirsty so maintain the temperature of water. Install the water spray system in cages so water can be sprayed from time to time to prevent them from heat.

Homemade and commercial Electrolytes in Poultry 

Shaded Area to Avoid Heat Stress in Poultry

Keep the bird at shaded place where they are not exposed to direct sun. Use plants around cages. If there is no raw land, plant them in pots. Plants help to reduce temperature. If you can’t provide a cool place then provide shade through paint, whitewash, tree branches, or tarpaulin. The purpose is to stop the direct sunlight from reaching. If leave the birds open, they will find a cool place on their own.

Provide Adequate Space and Keep the Floor Cool:

Provide space according to the number of birds. Overcrowding causes heat stress in chicken. Replace litter with canal soil in which birds can take a dust bath. This will keep them cool and maintain the health of their skin. Wet the floor but keep in mind that you are not wetting the birds. However, adult birds prefer the cool place. If you have chicks younger than 16 weeks so be careful that a wet floor can cause the problems of coccidiosis.

Water Soaked Foods to Avoid Heat Stress in Poultry

Feed chickens with water-soaked foods rich in nutrients. These include corn, wheat, and millet which help them to fight against heat stress. You can also give bread soaked in water, but it should not be stale for more than 24 hours. In addition to heat management, this helps to improve digestion and strengthen the eggshells. Put soaked bread in front of adult chicks for 15 minutes and 5 minutes in front of chicks in the morning. If you keep it more than that, it may produce mycotoxins.

Other than this, give coriander, sprouting seed, cucumber, watermelon, and water mixed with lemon or mint. Add ORS in water or 1-liter water mixed with medium-sized lemon, a pinch of salt, and 2 spoon sugar or glucose and give it during the hot hours of the day.

Air Flow in the Cage in Backyard Poultry

Proper airflow in the cage prevents not from heat but also ammonia and respiratory diseases. If the cage is covered on three or all sides and doesn’t have a gap for heat to escape, cut it from one side. It will effectively remove the trapped heat in the cage. If you are unsure about the ventilation of the cage, check it out on hot nights. Night temperature is as important as the day temperature. You will be surprised how much heat is generated by hens. So ventilation of the cage is very important in household poultry.

Management of Heatstress in Poultry in Urdu

Arrangements for Broody Hen in Household Poultry

When the hen sits on the eggs, throw some insecticidal powder there to prevent them from lice and mites. Use natural repellents and implement parasite control. By not doing this, birds may suffer heat stroke as well as various diseases. In such conditions, birds start panting more as the heat increases, which causes respiratory problems.

We should also make arrangements to keep the hen broody. Management of heat stress in chicken or hen is also important in this phase. Place the eggs in a cool place or where the sun is not exposed directly. Allow the hen to sit there. Replace straw with soil or grass for nesting. Choose the place where air passes. Put water in a pot nearby for optimum humidity. If there is less humidity then the chicks die in eggs due to dryness.

سردیوں میں پولٹری فارمنگ کے مسائل، بیماریوں سے کیسے بچایا جائے؟ ڈاکٹر کامران حیدر کی خصوصی تحریر

Importance of Backyard Poultry

In Pakistan where people are getting protein from chickens, they have adopted raising chickens as their hobby. Raising household poultry is a healthy hobby. Backyard poultry connects the person with nature and promotes a sustainable life. Caring for poultry refreshes the heart and provides educational benefits. It also teaches responsibility and companionship.

In backyard poultry management, it is also important to prevent birds from increasing temperatures. Management of Heat stress in Poultry is important for bird welfare and bird production.

Backyard Poultry and Signs of Heat Stress in Poultry

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Editor In Chief
Dr. Jassar Aftab is a qualified Veterinarian having expertise in veterinary communication. He is a renowned veterinary Journalist of Pakistan. He is veterinary columnist, veterinary writer and veterinary analyst. He is the author of three books. He has written a number of articles and columns on different topics related to livestock, dairy, poultry, wildlife, fisheries, food security and different aspects of animal sciences and veterinary education.

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