مائیکروپلاسٹک، انسانی اور سمندری حیات کیلئے بڑا خطرہ؛ کیسے بچاجائے؟

Effects of Microplastics on Marine Life

Types and Effects of Microplastics

What is microplastic ( مائیکروپلاسٹک )? This is a common question and a serious threat to life on Earth. Besides the effects of microplastics on marine life and water life, microplastics effects on humans are also alarming. Moreover, different types of microplastics are disturbing the ecosystem. The main concern is the Effects of microplastics in water which is causing water pollution and affecting the globe. Dr. Waseem Abbas of University of Agriculture Faisalabad and Dr. Faisal Ramzan highlighted different aspects.

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مائیکروپلاسٹک، انسانی اور سمندری حیات کیلئے بڑا خطرہ؛ کیسے بچاجائے؟

سمندروں میں پلاسٹک بڑی تعداد میں جانوروں کی موت کا سبب

What is Microplastic? World Production

Polymers less than five millimeters in diameter are called microplastics.  Globally, the use of microplastics has become a huge problem as it has increased worldwide.

مردہ وہیل کے پیٹ میں 40 کلو پلاسٹک پایا گیا

The waste generated from used plastics in the world is increasing rapidly every year. According to an estimate, from 1950 to 2017, the annual production of plastic has increased from 0.5 million tons to 348 million tons. While on the one hand, the use of plastic products makes many conveniences in our lives, the used plastic also causes pollution. As far as China is concerned, it has been the largest producer of plastic production in 2018. Moreover, it is expected to increase in 2022 to 30% of the world production.

پاکستان واٹر ویک کے موقع پر مضمون نویسی کے مقابلے

Effects of Microplastics on Marine Life

Types of Microplastics

Besides the question of what is microplastic, its types are also important. The two major types of microplastics are primary microplastics and secondary microplastics.

Primary microplastics are small particles of plastic that have been formulated for commercial use such as in synthetics such as microfibers.

On the other hand, secondary microplastics are large pieces of plastic that break down into smaller microplastics. These usually change when large pieces of plastic undergo climate change. For example, the flow of waves, wind friction, and ultraviolet rays from sunlight. What is microplastic or types of microplastics, microplastic effects on humans and climate are more important than this question.

پاکستانی لائیوسٹاک اور ڈیری سیکٹر میں میتھین

Sources and Effects of Microplastics

Sources through which microplastics are destroying our water bodies include sewage water, garbage, plastic bottles, etc. Apart from this, unnecessary dumping, industrial activities, and tire treading are also major sources of water pollution. In addition, factory waste, which contains fiber chemicals, also causes water pollution and affects aquatic organisms such as fish. When these small plastic particles go into rivers, streams, drains, or the sea, fish easily eat them and thus microplastics enter their bodies. Along with this, microplastics also enter fishes through the skin. This is raising the concern of effects of microplastics on marine life and fresh water life.

ساحل سمندر پر لوگوں کی تفریح سبز کچھوؤں کی افزائش نسل کیلئے خطرہ

Effects of microplastics in water

Microplastics have many harmful effects. The effects of microplastics in water mainly include water pollution which affects water life and marine life. However, the effects of microplastics on marine life are damaging the ecosystem. Fish is the main victim of the effects of microplastics in water.  Marine microplastics destroy marine fish and seafood. Microplastics reduce the food intake of fish and other aquatic organisms. It damages their production and reproduction.

On the other hand, river and canal fish are estimated to be more exposed to microplastics. These rivers and canals contain more microplastic particles. Farmed fish also get microplastics when we feed them packaged food.

ماہی گیری اور ماہی پروری کی اہمیت اور اس شعبہ کو درپیش مسائل ۔۔ روزنامہ آفتاب، ویٹرنری میٹرز

What is Microplastic types and Effect of Microplastic in Water and Ocean

Effects of Microplastics on Humans

As mentioned, microplastics have harmful effects on fish, so microplastics effects on humans are also harmful. Fish eating is the source of microplastic effects on humans. On the other hand, small particles of microplastics in the air affect breathing. When these small particles enter the body, they move into many organs and easily affect health. Microplastics effects on humans are serious. These particles cause oxidative stress, cytotoxicity, and neurotoxicity as well as disruption of the immune system.

وہیل کے پیٹ میں بڑی مقدار میں کپ، بوتلیں ، بیگ اور پلاسٹک کی دیگر ناکارہ اشیاء پائی گئیں

How to Protect from the Effects of Microplastics

Effects of microplastics on marine life and fresh water life and microplastic effects on humans health is a serious concern. If we want to protect ourselves and our water bodies from microplastics, we must adopt environmental sustainability policies. We should avoid single-use items. Along with this, we should avoid garbage, plastic bags, and bottles. We should not throw in the streets. Moreover, we should buy plastic-free cosmetics. We should stop microwaving food in plastic. On the other hand, university researchers need to work to prevent the growing effects of microplastics in water and marine life. We must develop a technology or a system to protect us and our water bodies from the microplastics effects on humans and water life.

سمندر میں پلاسٹک کچھوؤں کا دشمن

Types of Microplasticsand Microplastics Effects on Humans
Microplastics in Water Reservoirs
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Editor In Chief
Dr. Jassar Aftab is a qualified Veterinarian having expertise in veterinary communication. He is a renowned veterinary Journalist of Pakistan. He is veterinary columnist, veterinary writer and veterinary analyst. He is the author of three books. He has written a number of articles and columns on different topics related to livestock, dairy, poultry, wildlife, fisheries, food security and different aspects of animal sciences and veterinary education.

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