World Pangolin Day- History |Pangolins Characteristics |Pangolins Habitat |Pangolins Species | Pangolins Scales
World Pangolin Day is observed annually on the third Saturday of February. This Year, it falls on February 15th. This day aims to raise global awareness about pangolins, the urgent need for Pangolin Conservation efforts to Save Pangolins from illegal wildlife trade and habitat loss. Additionally, this day serves as an opportunity to highlights their ecological role as natural pest controllers and soil aerators. Despite, their role they are facing many threats like illegal wildlife trade, habitat loss and trafficking. Pangolins scales and meat are used in traditional medicine and luxury markets, particularly in Asia and Africa. There are eight Pangolins Species in the world.
This article provides information about Pangolins Characteristics, Pangolins habitat, Pangolins species , Pangolins Scales and pangolin Conservation.
World Anteater Day History | Ecological Importance | Species & Characteristics
World Pangolin Day History
World Pangolin Day was initiated in 2012 by Rhishja Cota. Rhishja Cota managed the World Pangolin Day platform until 2022, when she entrusted its leadership to Save Pangolins. She is a dedicated advocate against wildlife trafficking. Rhishja has worked with organizations like USAID Wildlife Asia, authored the Pangolin Species Identification Guide, and organized key conservation workshops. Furthermore, her extensive field research spans Hanoi’s illegal wildlife markets to the rainforests of Sumatra. Additionally, she has contributed to CITES meetings, advocating for stronger wildlife protections. Media and academic sources have widely cited her work, which continues to influence global conservation efforts.
World Pangolin Day Purpose
The day aimed to shed the light on the critical threats faced by these unique mammals. Notably, pangolins rank as the most trafficked mammals in the world due to the high demand for Pangolins scales and Pangolins meat. The primary objective of the day is to educate the public, policymakers, and law enforcement agencies about the need to enforce strict laws against pangolins poaching and illegal wildlife trade.
Pangolins Characteristics
Pangolins are Mammals belonging to the order Pholidota. Also known as Scaly Anteaters. Pangolins Characteristics vary according to their species. Primarily, they are solitary and nocturnal animals. They have elongated, tapered body with a small, conical head and no external ears. The size of pangolins varies by species, with some growing 30 cm long and others reaching 1.5 meters in length. Their weight ranges from 1.5 kg to 35 kg. Moreover, their long, muscular tails are Prehensile. They use their tails to grasp branches while climbing.
Their long, sticky tongues adapted for feeding on ants and termites. They extract them from nests and mounds using their strong, clawed forelimbs. Their snout is equipped with sensitive olfactory receptors, which helps them to locate insect nests. They lack teeth and rely on a sticky, worm-like tongue to capture prey. In addition, they consume thousands of insects daily and play a vital role in controlling pest populations.
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Pangolins Scales – A Unique Defense Mechanism
Pangolins characteristics are unique due to their overlapping keratin scales on their body. These pangolin scales are made of keratin, the same material found in human nails. These scales provide them protection from predators. When threatened, they curl into a tight ball, making it difficult for attackers to harm them. Their scales grow constantly and replace over time, much like human nails. They do not have scales underside, but have sparse fur.
Species of Pangolins
Globally, there are eight pangolin species, but are divided into Asian Pangolins species and African Pangolins species.
Asian Pangolin species
Asian Pangolins species include, Chinese pangolin, Sunda pangolin, Palawan pangolin and Indian pangolin.
African Pangolin Species
African Pangolins Species include White-bellied pangolin, Giant pangolin, Ground pangolin and Black-bellied pangolin.
Pangolins Habitat and Distribution
Pangolins are native to both Asia and Africa. However, pangolins habitat vary depending upon the species. They inhabit a range of ecosystems, including rainforests, savannas, woodlands and grasslands in Asia and Africa. Some species, such as the Chinese pangolins prefer burrowing, while others, like the African white-bellied pangolins are arboreal and spend most of their lives in trees. However, their elusive nature and nocturnal habits make them difficult to study in the wild.
World Pangolin Day & Pangolin Conservation Status
All eight pangolin species are listed under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Appendix I. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classifies all pangolin species as Critically Endangered (Asian species) to Vulnerable. All 8 species are banned from international trade. The main threats to their survival include Pangolins habitat destruction, illegal hunting, and illegal wildlife trade for their scales and meat. Pangolin Conservation efforts focus on anti-poaching measures, habitat protection, community engagement, and raising public awareness through initiatives like World Pangolin Day.
Furthermore, many organizations are working to save Pangolins from extinction. These organizations include World Pangolin Day, Save Pangolins, the Pangolin Specialist Group, African Pangolin Working Group (APWG), TRAFFIC, and Pangolin Crisis Fund (PCF). Meanwhile, initiatives like World Pangolin Day mobilize public support through education and awareness campaigns. Therefore, it is necessary to save Pangolins and prohibit illegal wildlife trade. Thus, Pangolin Conservation efforts serves as one of the best efforts to protect them.
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