زرعی یونیورسٹی ٹوبہ ٹیک سنگھ کیمپس میں انڈوں کا عالمی دن منایا گیا

World Egg Day at UAF Toba Tek Singh Campus

Toba Tek Singh Campus of UAF celebrated World Egg Day

World Egg Day 2024 is celebrated at UAF Toba Tek Singh Campus. Besides faculty members of the University of Agriculture Faisalabad TTS Campus, Poultry business persons and poultry professionals also joined the ceremony. District high officials also graced the occasion. Sutdents decorated different stalls highlighting the nutritional value of poultry products. They especially focused on the importance of eggs. Speakers emphasized to use of eggs in daily diet.

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Egg Day History and Theme; Egg Nutrition and Benefits

World Egg Day at UAF Toba Tek Singh Campus

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Editor In Chief
Dr. Jassar Aftab is a qualified Veterinarian having expertise in veterinary communication. He is a renowned veterinary Journalist of Pakistan. He is veterinary columnist, veterinary writer and veterinary analyst. He is the author of three books. He has written a number of articles and columns on different topics related to livestock, dairy, poultry, wildlife, fisheries, food security and different aspects of animal sciences and veterinary education.

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