پی وی ایم سی ایکٹ میں مجوزہ ترامیم، خصوصی تفصیلی رپورٹ — ڈاکٹر جاسر آفتاب

Amendments in Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council Act 1996

Proposed Amendments in PVMC Act 1996 – Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council Act

PVMC Act 1996, an important meeting was held under the chairmanship of the Secretary Interprovincial Coordination regarding the proposed amendments to the Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council Act. Earlier, opinions were also sought from the provincial departments of livestock and other stakeholders on this. A committee has been formed in the meeting to consult on the proposed amendments in PVMC Act 1996. This committee will finalize the amendments.

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Historical Step and Consultation for Amendments in PVMC Act   

The initiative of the amendment in the PVMC Act 1996 is a very important, commendable, and historic step by the current administration of PVMC. This was a long-standing need which is being fulfilled. Since this is the most important step, it is important that the amendments should not be made according to the wishes of any person or group, or to strengthen the weakening dominance of any person or group over the council. Rather, the aim should be to strengthen the PVMC as an institution, its complete independence from vested interests, and the elevation of the prestige of the veterinary profession in Pakistan. For this, consultation and mutual consensus of all stakeholders is necessary.

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It is requested that these amendments in PVMC Act 1996 should not be finalized in a hurry, but a consultative meeting should be called for this, in which all stakeholders should be invited. An open discussion should be held on each amendment in PVMC Act 1996 and additional clauses and a consensus should be established after the suggestions of the people. Further, written suggestions should also be called in this regard so that the input of maximum people is included. If the purpose is not personal but national, then there should be no fear of opening the platform for consultation.

پی وی ایم سی رجسٹریشن کی تجدید کے بغیر کام کرنے والے ویٹس فوری تجدید کروائیں

Para veterinary Education and PVMC Act 1996

Amendments: According to the alleged draft presented in the meeting, the biggest change in the PVMC Act is the inclusion of para-veterinary education in it. After this amendment, the Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council will regulate various courses of para-vets along with veterinary education, while registration of para-vets will also be done. Two members will come from the heads of the Para veterinary institutes through election in the Council.

Analysis and Suggestions: On the other hand, there has been a strong reaction to the inclusion of para-veterinary education in PVMC. The general opinion is opposing it. On the contrary, the fact is also there that there is a dire need to regulate para-veterinary education. Instead of including the regulation of para veterinary education and registration of para vets in PVMC, a separate institution should be established for it. This institution should formulate rules and regulations regarding the education of para vets, their registration, and the scope of their work as well as the punishment of para vets involved in prostitution.

ڈگریوں کا طوفان، ویٹرنری بے روزگاری اور ویٹرنری عطائیت

Council Composition and Amendments in PVMC Act 1996

Members from Livestock Departments

Amendments: According to the proposed amendment in the Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council Act, the livestock departments of the four provinces will nominate one senior public veterinarian each for the council. Here, the grade of officer should be written in place the senior public veterinarian.

Amendments in Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council Act 1996

Members from Educational Institutes

Amendment: According to the amendment in the Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council Act, two heads of veterinary educational institutions approved by PVMC will be taken, while these two will be selected through elections.

Analysis and Suggestions: Instead of only 2 approved educational institutions, all veterinary educational institutions that are conducting DVM and are approved or provisionally approved by the council should be made members of the council. On the other hand, a representative of private educational institutions should also be included to represent private veterinary educational institutions. All government and private veterinary educational institutions can select this representative from the existing private institutions through election. The nominated member of this private institution should be prohibited from contesting the election of president, or vice president, as well as being part of any administrative committee including the executive committee.

To avoid conflict of interest, there should be a complete ban on the owner, business partner, and administrator of any veterinary educational institution from becoming a member of the council in any capacity. This provision has also been made in the PMDC Act 2023. The aim is to protect the council from the use of business interests.

فراڈ پی وی ایم اے، مقبوضہ پی وی ایم سی اور پرائیویٹ ویٹرنری کالج ; سے متنازع تعیناتی تک

Members from PVMA

Amendments: According to the proposed amendment in the PVMC Act 1996, a Pakistan Veterinary Medical Association registered under the Societies Registration Act and approved by the PVMC will have two members who will be elected by the Central Executive Committee of the PVMA. No more than one member from a province will be nominated. On the other hand, six veterinary doctors will be elected by the PVMC for the council through direct elections.

Analysis and Suggestions: The Pakistan Veterinary Medical Association (PVMA) should not have any function in the PVMC – Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council. The election of six veterinary doctors by the PVMC is the best way to represent veterinary doctors publicly.

The PVMA has taken a very controversial form which has been taken over by a few vested interests. Now those elements are struggling to strengthen their weakening control over the PVMC through this personal occupation and their personal related businesses. They want complete control over it like in the past. An institution like the PVMC should be completely cleansed of such destructive elements. Therefore, it is important that PVMA, which, in fact, does not really exist, should be completely removed from PVMC.

On the other hand, if a veterinary association is to be represented in the council, a new clause can be inserted for this. It should be clarified that any national-level association of veterinary professionals registered with SECP or DGTO can have one representative on the council. If there are more than one such association, they can also be represented. However, it is better to keep this administrative body separate from the associations.

Federal Government Nominees

Amendments: According to the proposed amendment, instead of four members of the Federal Government, only one member nominated by the Remote Veterinary and Farms Corps will be included. The Animal Husbandry Commissioner will be part of the council as before, while the Chief Veterinary Officer will also be added to his name.

Analysis and Suggestions: Four nominated members of the Federal Government should be on the council. One of them should be from the RVFC. Rules and regulations should be framed for the remaining three, out of which one should be a vet in business with at least fifteen years of experience related to the poultry industry, one to the dairy industry, and one to pet practice. The selection of these three should be with the approval of the federal cabinet and the nomination may be by the concerned ministry.

Further, in the PVMC, a representative of the Pakistan Poultry Association, Pakistan Veterinary Pharmaceuticals Association, and any other association registered with DGTO or SECP related to dairy, poultry, pets, or related professions may also be included for the representation of the private sector.

چیف ویٹرنری آفیسر کون؟ معمہ حل، اینیمل ہیلتھ ایکٹ اور پنجاب میں قانونی حیثیت

Non-Vets in Council

Amendment: According to the proposed amendment in the PVMC Act 1996, a non-vet of grade 20 related to finance will also be included in the council.

Analysis and Suggestions: Including a non-vet officer of grade 20 is a good move. Moreover, a legal expert should also be part of the council. Along with this, it is very important that the secretaries livestock of all the provinces should be included in the council. With the inclusion of such officers, this institution will be administratively stronger. The Provincial Health Secretaries are also part of the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council.


Terms for Members and Amendments in PVMC Act 1996

Amendments: According to the proposed amendments in the Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council Act 1996, the term of the member council will be for four years. In case of retirement from the parent institution, the term of the member council will expire. In case of a vacancy of a member, the member will be elected or nominated within three months. The member elected to fill the vacancy of a member will not be for four years but will remain a member for the remaining period. New members will be elected three months before the expiry of the term of the council so that continuity is maintained.

Analysis and Suggestions: It should be made mandatory for a person elected as a member of the council once that he should not become a member for the next term. It should be made mandatory for the president and vice president that they will not be able to contest the election of president and vice president for the next two terms. This step will reduce the chances of destroying this institution again by any individual or a specific group. The amendment of not remaining a council member after retirement is a good step.


Executive Committee and PVMC Act 1996 Amendments

Amendments: According to the proposed amendment Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council Act 1996, the executive committee of the council will consist of five members including the president and vice president, including a para-vet. The council will have the power to allocate allowances to the president, vice president, and council employees as well as legal advisor and consultant.

Analysis and Suggestions: The executive committee of Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council should consist of at least ten members including the president and vice president. Out of the remaining eight, at least four must be from government veterinary educational institutions.


Registration of Veterinary Clinics

Amendments: The act also proposes new provisions. According to the alleged draft, the council will also have the power to register veterinary clinics, animal health, animal welfare facilities, semen production units, and veterinary practice facilities.

Analysis and Suggestions: The registration of veterinary clinics, practice institutions and semen production units, etc., should also not be under the jurisdiction of the Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council. In the context of the 18th Amendment, this is a provincial domain anyway. On the other hand, it is very important to establish a Veterinary Healthcare Commission at the provincial level to regulate veterinary clinics, veterinary hospitals, pet clinics, and other institutions related to animal health. In this regard, a lot of work has been done in the Punjab Livestock Department in the past. It should be finalized and the establishment of the commission should be moved forward.

 Essential Veterinary Medicines List and Vaccines for Livestock and Pets

Fake News against PVMC and Indemnity

Amendments: According to the proposed newly added section, it will be a criminal offense for any vet to write false news, document, statement, or defamation against any council official through any medium, including electronic or modern media. Moreover, No suit, prosecution, or other proceedings shall lie against the Council, members, office bearers, or committees in respect of anything done or intended to be done in good faith under this Act.

Analysis and Suggestions: Pakistan already has laws regarding printing false news about anyone or writing false news on social media or any other media. Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council is neither a defense institution nor an Intelligence Agency that a special provision should be included in its act. In this regard, the purpose of including a special provision in the council law is, prima facie, to block the path of legitimate criticism on council officials through fear.

The question arises as to who will decide whether the news is true or false. If this decision is to be made by the council itself, it is not possible for the council to be both the plaintiff and the judge itself. Therefore, there is no need to include such a provision. Similarly, no attempt should be made to make council members, officials, and employees sacred cows.

However, if such a clause is to be included, the decision-making authority should be outside the council. A clause can be added that if any news or writing on social media or any other media about a council member or any official is claimed to be false by a member or official, then on the request of the affected person, the registrar should hand over the allegation made in the news to the FIA, NAB or any other relevant investigative agency for investigation.

If the news or writing or allegation is true, then that official should be arrested according to the law. If anyone has written false news or writing to damage the reputation or character of a council member, then action should be taken against him by the relevant agency under cybercrime or other relevant laws.


Budget, Fund, Accounts, and Audit in PVMC Act 

Amendments: After the new proposed clauses, the Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council Fund will be established, while a regular budget of the council will be made. Moreover, accounts and a better audit system will be created. Along with this, it has been proposed to include a clause regarding pension and other benefits of employees after retirement.


Disciplinary Proceedings and Penalties in PVMC Act 1996

Amendments: A proposal has also been made regarding disciplinary proceedings in the Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council Act 1996. A three-member team will be formed for any inquiry, in which one member will be a councilor. One of the three members will be a legal expert. A relevant vet with fifteen years of experience will be included as an expert to assist any inquiry committee. The committee will take a decision within ninety days.

A new clause has been added in place of the old clause regarding Penalties. Running an institution without registration or issuing an advertisement for admissions will be punishable by imprisonment along with a fine. Making admissions in excess of the permitted number will be punished by a fine. Showing false registration of the council will be punished by imprisonment along with a fine.

The power to impose imprisonment will be vested in the Livestock Tribunal established under the Animal Health Act 2024. Any person affected by any order or action of the Council or any employee of the Council can appeal to the Livestock Tribunal in case of a complaint.

Analysis and Suggestions: Inserting provisions regarding the establishment of a fund, budget, accounts, audit, and pension is a good step. Amendments and the addition of new provisions regarding disciplinary proceedings and penalties are also good steps. Appeal before the Livestock Tribunal is also a positive step, provided that the Tribunal is independent.

ورلڈ ویٹرنری ڈے; ویٹرنری ڈاکٹرز جانوروں کے ساتھ ساتھ انسانی صحت کے بھی ضامن

Determining penalties for running a veterinary educational institution without approval, advertising admission without approval, and admitting more than the approved number is a good step. Further, this aspect should also be considered to include a provision related to the merit of admission. Admission is given in some institutions even with very low marks. An admission policy should be formulated for this. A test on the lines of medical and engineering should also be organized so that only qualified persons can take admission to this degree. Legislation should also be made in the Act regarding provisionally approved veterinary educational institutions so that provisional accreditation can be given legal form.

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Finally, there will be a request that a national-level consultative meeting be arranged for amendments to PVMC Act 1996. On the other hand, this aspect will also have to be looked at: Is the council complete as per clauses 5 and 6 of the Act? Does it have the authority?

Proposed Amendments in PVMC Act 1996

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Editor In Chief
Dr. Jassar Aftab is a qualified Veterinarian having expertise in veterinary communication. He is a renowned veterinary Journalist of Pakistan. He is veterinary columnist, veterinary writer and veterinary analyst. He is the author of three books. He has written a number of articles and columns on different topics related to livestock, dairy, poultry, wildlife, fisheries, food security and different aspects of animal sciences and veterinary education.

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