Ocean warming linked to Whale strandings in New Zealand. Beached pilot whales damaged in mass strandings. There were 80-90 dead whales. These beached whales were spotted earlier also. Conservation Department manager Dave Carlton told that the surviving whale was in poor condition and was euthanized. This was the most humane option to adopt. The largest recorded stranding was in 1918 in New Zealand where more than 1000 whales were involved.
نیوزی لینڈ کے ایک جزیرے پر مزید 50 مردہ وہیل پائی گئیں
وہیل مچھلیوں کا شکار ، جاپان وہیلنگ کمیشن کی رکنیت سے دستبردار
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Tags: Marine Life Whale