جانوروں اور پرندوں کی دکانیں 2 گھنٹے کھولنے کی اجازت

Opening of pet shops for two hours

Govt allowed opening of pet shops for two hours
جانوروں اور پرندوں کی دکانیں 2 گھنٹے کھولنے کی اجازت

Vitural veterinary expo inpakistan online Expo

اہم معلومات: پالتو جانوروں کا ویکسی نیشن شیڈول، کینل مینجمنٹ اور بہتر دیکھ بھال؛ صنام فارما کے زیر اہتمام سیمینار کا انعقاد

Opening of pet shops for two hours for the feeding of animals opening of pet shops for two hours during lockdown Govt allowed opening of pet shops for two hours Opening of pet shops for two hours


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Editor In Chief
Dr. Jassar Aftab is a qualified Veterinarian having expertise in veterinary communication. He is a renowned veterinary Journalist of Pakistan. He is veterinary columnist, veterinary writer and veterinary analyst. He is the author of three books. He has written a number of articles and columns on different topics related to livestock, dairy, poultry, wildlife, fisheries, food security and different aspects of animal sciences and veterinary education.

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