شدید سردی کے اثرات سے جانوروں کو کیسے محفوظ رکھا جائے؟ ماہرین کی آراء
How to protect animals from from extreme cold weather? This question is very important nowadays. Fog fever in cows buffalos and other animals is the concern. On the other hand, prevention of cold stress in cattle and other animals is also important. Fog fever symptoms relate to the respiratory system. Moreover, its main cause is abrupt change in fodder. Furthermore, cold stress may accelerate the chances of fog fever cattle and other diseases. This is also called Acute Bovine Pulmonary Edema and Emphysema (ABPEE) or Bovine Atypical Interstitial Pneumonia. See Fog Fever Cattle Merck Details here
سردی میں غفلت جانور کی زندگی خطرے میں ڈال سکتی ہے
Fog Fever Symptoms and Causes
Abrupt change from dry fodder to wet fodder with high protein may cause this disease. This causes biochemical changes in rumen which leads to disturbance. On the other hand, cold stress in cattle due to cold weather may exaggerate the situation.
Lush green, fast gowning, high protein fodder contains more amino acid L-tryptophan. Importantly, this is more common but not specifically in fall. Sudden change with such fodder causes more production of indoleacetic acid from L-tryptophan. Further, some ruminal microorganisms will convert this to 3-methylindole. This will be absorbed in the blood and after metabolism will cause pneumotoxicity, damaging alveolar epithelial cells.
Fog fever symptoms include anxiety, difficult breathing, tongue extension, and drooling. Coughing is not common but loud expiratory grunt is common in severe cases. The animal tries to stretch its body, especially its neck, in an open area and tries to breathe. Fog fever cattle or Acute Bovine Pulmonary Edema and Emphysema (ABPEE) my show no symptoms in mild cases. See Fog Fever Cattle Merck Details here
سردی کی شدت اور مویشی پال حضرات کے لئے ضروری ہدایات ۔۔ ویٹرنری میٹرز (روزنامہ آفتاب)
Prevention of Fog Fever in Cows and Cold Stress
Fog fever in cows and buffaloes is a fatal disease, prevention of fog fever is very important. Prevention of cold stress in cattle is also important. Animals should not be offered wet fodder. Besides this, there should be strategic and slow changes in fodder should be adopted. In cold weather, the management of livestock is very important. Importantly, proper shade should be available for animals. Farmers should offer fresh water to animals. Moreover, they should mix dry fodder or straw with fresh fodder. Besides this, they should add Gur and Wanda to feed.
مویشی پال اپنے جانوروں کو سردی سے بچائیں : ڈاکٹر عمران