بھینسوں کے عالمی دن کی مناسبت سے بفلو ریسرچ انسٹیٹیوٹ میں تقریب

History of World Buffalo Day

World Buffalo Day 2025 observed at Buffalo Research Institute Pattoki

A ceremony was held at Buffalo Research Institute Pattoki on the occasion of World Buffalo Day. The ceremony was jointly organized by Buffalo Breeders Association Punjab Pakistan and BRI Pattoki. The history of World Buffalo Day links back to 2019.

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The Chief Guest of the ceremony was Vice-Chancellor Veterinary University Lahore Professor Dr. Muhammad Younas. President Asian Buffalo Breeders Association Prof Dr. Rao Ijaz, Director General Production Dr. Yousuf, President Buffalo Breeders Association Khan Ali Imran Rath, Senior Vice President Ch Ashiq Gujjar, Vice President Ch Liaquat Ali, Former President Haji Saeed Hassan Hotiana, Eng Samiullah and other representatives and breeders of Buffalo Breeders Association also attended the ceremony. They highlighted the importance of the day and research work on buffalo.


History of World Buffalo Day

The history of World Buffalo Day is Pakistan-based. This day was started as National Buffalo Day in 2019, on an idea presented by Mr. Tariq Tanveer, CEO Agri Tourism Development Corporation of Pakistan. Late Buffalo Breeders Association Punjab Pakistan and Dairy and Cattle Farmers Association Pakistan supported this idea and transformed it into World Buffalo Day. Sindh 2020, this day is being celebrated every year on March 02.

History of World Buffalo Day

Importance of Buffalo Research

Professor Dr. Muhammad Younis said that we urgently need to further improve the genetics of buffalo. He said that the professors and researchers of the Veterinary University are working hand in hand with the department to conduct research on buffalo breeding, genetics, nutrition, and various diseases of buffalo, especially foot-and-mouth disease.

President Asian Buffalo Breeders Association, Prof Dr. Rao Ijaz told that the Asian Buffalo Conference 2027 is going to be held in Lahore, Pakistan. The organization of this conference will provide an opportunity to highlight the potential of Pakistan’s livestock.

DG Production Dr. Muhammad Yousaf said that the Livestock Department is going to launch three projects regarding buffalo breed improvement.

Chief Research Officer Buffalo Research Institute Pattoki Dr. Rao Intizar Ahmed Khan informed the buffalo farmers about the facilities provided by the institution and briefed them about the various projects underway regarding the improvement of the Nili Ravi Buffalo breed.


Messages on World Buffalo Day

On the occasion of World Buffalo Day, the heads of international buffalo organizations (Italy, China, and India) also sent video messages. They appreciated the ongoing efforts regarding Buffalo breed improvement in Pakistan. At the end of the ceremony, a cake was also cut.

President Buffalo Breeders Association Punjab Pakistan Khan Ali Imran Rath said that today’s era is the era of modern technology. The Buffalo Breeders Association Punjab Punjab is working for the Nili Ravi buffalo keeping in mind the modern technology, which is in line with the vision of the Livestock Department.

It should be noted that World Buffalo Day (World Buffalo Day) is celebrated every year on March 2.

World Buffalo Day 2025

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Editor In Chief
Dr. Jassar Aftab is a qualified Veterinarian having expertise in veterinary communication. He is a renowned veterinary Journalist of Pakistan. He is veterinary columnist, veterinary writer and veterinary analyst. He is the author of three books. He has written a number of articles and columns on different topics related to livestock, dairy, poultry, wildlife, fisheries, food security and different aspects of animal sciences and veterinary education.

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