ویٹرنری یونیورسٹی میں ٹرانس باؤنڈری بیماریوں کی روک تھام کے موضوع پر کانفرنس کا آغاز
The Department of Clinical Medicine & Surgery (CMS) and Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology (IBBT) of the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS) Lahore in collaboration with Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute Chinese Academic of Agriculture Sciences Beijing PR China organised 3-days international conference funded by Punjab Agriculture Research Board (PARB) on “Transboundary Diseases of Veterinary and Public Health” under Pak-US Science &Technology project titled“Capacity Building of Neglected Vector Born Diseases in Livestock funded by Higher Education Commission (HEC). Vector born disease lab inaugurated during conference
Transboundary Diseases of Veterinary and Public Health Conference
Vice-Chancellor King Edward Medical University Prof Dr Khalid Masood Gondal presided over the inaugural session of the conference here on Thursdaywhile UVAS Pro Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Masood Rabbani, Prof Dr Aneela Zameer Durrani, Director (IBBT) Prof Dr Wasim Shehzad and a large number of students, faculty members, national and international speakers and participants were present.
Prof Dr Khalid Masood Gondal
Speaking on the occasion, Prof Dr Khalid Masood Gondal lauded the UVAS for arranging such an informative conference on very important issue and gathering national and international experts under one roof to discuss various issues, finding solution to curb the issues related totrans-boundary diseases. He saidresult oriented research is the key which brings changes &innovations and through this conference experts would present recommendation for making policies for the future to control disease in livestock sector which hamper socio economic development of the country. He said such conferences are necessary for networking with national and international experts and innovative knowledge sharing with each other.
Speaking about the conference objectives, Prof Dr Aneela Zameer Durrani said that aim of the conference was to identify challenges in dealing with TADs and suggest management strategies in control and prevention of these diseases at national and regional level. She said it is true that our efforts are highly dependent on national governance effective veterinary services and political support. She said livestock rearing significant share in national economy of a developing country like Pakistan, so there is measures are required to safe guard the livestock industry fromepidemics of infectious diseases and to uphold safe international trade of livestock and their products. She alsomentioned conference was organised for the capacity building of faculty members and postgraduate students with development of linkages at national and international level.
Vector born disease lab
Meanwhile Director LVRI, CAAS China, Prof Dr Hong Yin inaugurated vector born disease lab at Department of Clinical Medicine & Surgery (CMS) UVAS.
The conference comprises on 4 tracks with 12 technical sessions, which will cover all the major areas related tomolecular and rapid diagnostics techniquesfor PPR virus in sheep, potential and pitfalls for virus molecular genotyping techniques, promising genomics method for improving the generals health status of dairy herds against emerging infectious challenges,molecular typing and antimicrobial susceptibility of clostridium perfringens from broiler chickens, diagnostics techniques for Moot & Mouth Disease (FMD) virus, bovine piroplasmosis in Pakistan present scenario, bioinformatics for development of molecular essays for veterinary pathogens and anti-microbial resistance in recovered from retail poultry meat a global threat to animal and human welfare etc.