شارع فیصل سے ریسکیو کیے گئے شیر کا واحد بینیفشری کراچی چڑیا گھر
ریسکیوکیا گیا شیر کراچی چڑیا گھر منتقل
Karachi zoo became the only beneficiary of lion rescued from Shahrah e Faisal. Zoo has gotten a big cat without spending any money. This is highly tamed animal. It will increase the no of animals . There are many problems animals are facing here.There is a long list of animals like Elephant Noor Jahan died in zoo. Four Paws team is visiting Pakistan to monitor Madhubala to shift her in Safari Park.
کراچی شارع فیصل پر شیر آگیا،ایک شہری پر حملہ

Tags: Lion