ویٹرنری یونیورسٹی میں ویٹرنری بوٹ کیمپ کا آغاز
UVAS has started a Veterinary Boot Camp for veterinary training. This training is for young veterinary professionals. Furthermore, this Veterinary camp will focus on NAVLE Exam preparation. Besides NAVLE Preparation, this will also focus on AVE and MRCVS preparation. This camp will continue for one month. Moreover, Prof. Dr. Muahammad Ijaz is the coordinator for this training.
NAVLE is the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination. ICVA administer this activity. Importantly, this is required for a veterinary practice license in the United States and Canada. On the other hand, the process of NAVLE is different for foreign graduates who have veterinary education from non-AVMA-accredited schools. These professionals have to go through the ECFVG Program of AVMA of PAVE of AAVSB.
On the other hand, there are also different requirements for MRCVS and AVE to work in the UK and Australia. Details of these different exams are also given in this book on veterinary career. Furthermore, for practical help, you should visit this website of Dr. Osama Azam NAVLE for Pakistanis.
ویٹرنری یونیورسٹی میں نوجوان ویٹرنیرینز کیلئے موٹیویشنل لیکچر کا انعقاد