All about Milk and Milk Nutrition
June is called Dairy Month and World Milk Day is June 1. Milk is the source of all dairy products. Moreover, Nutritional value of milk makes the it jam-packed with nutrients. Furthermore, Milk nutrition is highly important for the children. Nutrition of milk makes it an essential diet of all ages. Besides this, Milk facts provides more information about it. However, this article gives the details about the importance of milk and composition of milk.
It provides body-building proteins, bone forming minerals, health giving vitamins and furnishes energy giving lactose and fat. All these nutrients are in a very easily digestible form.
The water in this liquid is transparent, white color of milk is due to casein. Its flavor is due to fat.
دودھ کے مختلف پہلوؤں کا احاطہ کرتی خصوصی تحریر
دودھ کی غذائی اہمیت، دودھ کے عالمی دن کی تاریخ، دودھ کی پیداوار، پروسیسنگ اور دیگرپہلو
پروفیسر ڈاکٹر محمد یونس
سکول میں بچوں کو دودھ پلانے کا منصوبہ، نتائج جاری