آر وی ایف سی کے اشتراکی منصوبہ کی تقریب کا تحصیل ساہیوال میں انعقاد
RVFC started GRIDD Project in Sahiwal Tahsil of Sargodha District. Under the Grass Root Incentivized Dairy Development Project, Pakistan Army is supporting small farmers. Fauji Foods organized this event. Furthermore, the livestock department also collaborated. Commandant Remount Depot Sargodha as well as Commissioner Sargodha graced the ceremony. Director Livestock and other officers were also present. While addressing the ceremony, officers highlighted the importance of the project.
In addition to this, representatives of Fauji Foods elaborated the farmers strengthening program. Besides this interactive session, different companies also exhibited their products. On the other hand, the Farmers Training Bus of the Livestock Department was also present.
پاک فوج کا ڈیری فارمرز کی بہبود کامنصوبہ، کھاریاں میں افتتاح