بلوچستان کے ساحلی علاقے اورماڑہ کے قریب ماہی گیر نے جال میں پھنسی 30 فٹ لمبی سپرم وہیل آزاد کردی
Pakistani fisherman has released entangled Sperm Whale near Ormara Beach, Balochistan. However, fisherman has single handedly released big fish to sea. According to, World Wildlife Fund the occurrence has reported 16 kilometres south of Ormara. Furthermore, WWF has declared this area for its rich diversity of whales and dolphins. Moreover, WWF has stated that whale continued to circle around the boat after release. However, this incident highlights the need to protect whales and dolphins.
ویٹرنری یونیورسٹی میں اینٹی مائیکروبیل آگاہی ہفتہ منایا گیا