مچھلی کی مانگ میں اضافہ ، کوسٹل ایریاز میں فش فارمز بنانے کا فیصلہ

Fish farms in coastal areas to be established as per increasing demand

Fish farms in coastal areas to be established as per increasing demand. Ministry of National Food Security and Research started project in 2019

Vitural veterinary expo inpakistan online Expo

مچھلی کی مانگ میں اضافہ ، کوسٹل ایریاز میں فش فارمز بنانے کا فیصلہ

پنجاب میں مچھلی کی پیداوار اور فی کس استعمال کو بڑھا کرغذائی ضروریات کو پورا کرنے کی آگاہی مہم


Fish farms in coastal areas to be established as per increasing demand

روزنامہ دنیا

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Editor In Chief
Dr. Jassar Aftab is a qualified Veterinarian having expertise in veterinary communication. He is a renowned veterinary Journalist of Pakistan. He is veterinary columnist, veterinary writer and veterinary analyst. He is the author of three books. He has written a number of articles and columns on different topics related to livestock, dairy, poultry, wildlife, fisheries, food security and different aspects of animal sciences and veterinary education.

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گوشت برآمد ، زرمبادلہ میں 1۔51 فیصد اضافہ

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