وائس چانسلر پروفیسر نسیم احمد کا ٹینیور مکمل، شاندار انداز میں الوداع کہا گیا
Prof. Dr. Nasim Ahmed completed his tenure as VC UVAS. University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore arranged a Joint Session Reference in his honor. Besides faculty members, deans, directors, and Chairpersons also joined the session. Moreover, members of the UVAS Syndicate, Academic Council, and Advance Studies and Research Board also joined. The university acknowledged the services of Prof. Nasim Ahmed, the Theriogenologist, for the veterinary profession and livestock sector. Furthermore, different departments also offered farewell to Prof. Nasim Ahmed.
ویٹرنری یونیورسٹی کی جانب سے سیلاب زدگان میں مویشی تقسیم
Services of Prof. Dr. Nasim Ahmed as VC UVAS
UVAS stood among the top 801-1000 best universities of the world as well as 3rd in the Punjab public sector in the Time Higher Education World University Rankings. Moreover, UVAS established a Training Centre for Biologics Production (TCBP). This center is for the production of foot & mouth disease vaccines. See the other services.
About Prof. Dr. Nasim Ahmed
Prof Nasim is a renowned theriogenologist. Moreover, he is a Distinguished National Professor (DNP) decorated by HEC. He worked as an Emeritus Professor in the Department of Theriogenology at UVAS. Furthermore, he also served as the first Pro Vice-Chancellor and Director ORIC.
Moreover, he had been the Dean Faculties of Veterinary Science and Life Sciences Business Management. Besides this, he also contributed as Director Research and External Linkages and Chairman Department of Theriogenology at UVAS.
Prof. Nasim Ahmed was awarded the ‘Sitara-i-Imtiaz’ Presidential Civil Award. Moreover, he also received the ‘Best University Teacher Award’ from the HEC. He also got ‘PARC Scientist of the Year 1999 Award’. Besides this, he received Research Productivity Award (three times) from the Pakistan Council for Science and Technology.
Moreover, Prof Dr. Nasim Ahmad is the author of about 95 research publications. He supervised 82 MPhil and 12 PhD students.