Dog Population to be Controlled at Wagah Border, Rangers signed MOU with Animal Welfare Organizations
Give Us Life Animal Welfare Society and CDRS Benji Project have signed an MOU with Pakistan Rangers regarding dog population control at the Wagah Border. Both institutions will control the dog population through TNVR. In this regard, they will also focus the public awareness. On the other hand, these welfare organizations have also signed a memorandum of understanding with Chaghatai Animal Diagnostic Center CADx. Under the agreement, the laboratory will provide diagnostic facilities for animals at a special discounted rate. More parties will also conduct animal welfare awareness activities.
گدھوں کے عالمی دن کے موقع پر ایکوائن ہینڈلنگ اور مینجمنٹ پر ٹریننگ کا انعقاد