Switzerland voted on the issue of cow horns. A farmer was against the dehorning of cattle. He called the horns the dignity of cattle. This was the reason that the referendum was named “preserve the dignity. Horns play role to communicate with animals and to regulate the body temperature. Country divided on the point, whether to subsidies the farmers who have horned cows.
گائے کے سینگ ختم کردیں یا رہنے دیں، مسئلہ قومی اہمیت اختیار کر گیا ۔۔ ووٹنگ ہو گی
دنیا کا سب سے لمبے سینگوں والا بیل، گنیزبک نے اعتراف کر لیا
ڈان نیوزپیپر