چترال گول نیشنل پارک میں مارخور ہلاک
A Markhor gun shot in Chitral Gol National Park. This firing was illegal. Hunter ran away leaving injured animal. Several hunters are arrested during the year. License is to be gained after paying heavy amount for the hunting. This trophy hunting is announced for the permit. Foreigners take special interest for this game. Amount received is utilized for the development of local community.
چترال گول نیشنل پارک میں شکاری کی فائرنگ سے مارخور ہلاک
مارخور ٹرافی ہنٹنگ کے اجازت نامے
مارخور کے حوالے سے دلچسپ حقائق پر مشتمل ڈاکٹر مجاہد حسین کا خصوصی مضمون
روزنامہ جنگ