بہاءالدین زکریا یونیورسٹی کی ویٹرنری فیکلٹی اور دیگر شعبہ جات میں بطور وزٹنگ فیکلٹی ملازمت کے مواقع
BZU has announced part time visiting faculty jobs in different departments. However, this visiting faculty for part time jobs has required to teach various courses for Spring Semester 2024. And, the last date for submission of application for BZU jobs is 15th January 2024. So, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences has required faculty for dept of Pathobiology and dept of Clinical Sciences. However, the courses need to teach include Fisheries and Aquaculture, Medicine, Surgery and Microbiology as well. On the other hand, Faculty of Agricultural Science and Technology has required faculty for Animal Sciences, Forestry and Farm Mechanization. Moreover, applicants for the courses of Veterinary Sciences must have DVM degree from PVMC accredited Institutes. DVM jobs at FVS bzu.
جدید فیڈز میں ویٹرنری پروفیشنلز اور پولٹری پروفیشنلز کیلئے ملازمت کے مواقع