World Migratory Bird Day – Bird Migration Types and Climate Change Effects

Types of Bird Migration and Climate Change Effects

World Migratory Bird Day | What is Bird Migration and Types | Climate Change Effects

World Migratory Bird Day is celebrated on the second Saturday in May and the Second Saturday in October every Year. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about Migratory Birds Conservation. It also highlights the importance of protection of Migratory Birds Habitat. Formerly, it was known as International Migratory Bird Day. There are many types of bird migration. What is Bird Migration? This article elaborates different aspects along with climate change effects on bird migration.

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This day is celebrated twice a year to mark their ecological importance. Migratory birds are facing many threats such as habitat loss, climate change, and a decline in their population.  However, climate change significantly impacts bird migration in many ways. Climate change disrupts their migration pattern and timing.

World Migratory Bird Day Theme 2024

World Migratory Bird Day is celebrated with a specific theme every Year. This Year’s theme of the day is “Protect insects, protect birds”. The theme focused on Insects and the Importance of insects for migratory birds. It also highlights the importance of insects for bird migration because insects are an essential source of energy for Migratory Birds.

Secrets Behind Migration and Elaboration of the Theme

What is Bird Migration?

What is Bird Migration? Bird Migration is the regular, often seasonal movement of birds from one region to another. It occurs between their breeding and non-breeding grounds (breeding and Wintering grounds). It can happen in the fall, winter, spring, or summer depending on the availability of food. The Word Migration comes from the Latin word migrara. It means going from one place to another.

Types of Bird Migration and Climate Change Effects

During migration, birds follow their set routes to suitable habitats where they can stop, rest, and refuel along the way. Primarily, this migration occurs to meet basic needs such as access to food, suitable breeding conditions, and favorable weather.

Many birds migrate to areas where food is more abundant during different times of the year. As insect-eating birds migrate to warmer regions in winter where insects are still available.  While, they return to their breeding grounds in spring when food sources like insects, fruits, or seeds reappear.

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Hyperphagia and Food in Migration

In colder months, food becomes scarce in northern regions due to snow cover and freezing temperatures. Birds move to regions where they can continue to find food, such as tropical or temperate zones. This migration not only occurs from north to south but also from south to north.

Before migration, birds eat much more than usual to build up fat reserves to store enough energy for their long and strenuous journeys. These fat reserves serve as the primary fuel for migration. This process is known as hyperphagia. Bird migration varies among species.

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Types of Bird Migration

Types of Bird migration are different based on various factors, such as the distance traveled, the timing of the migration, and the geographic patterns. Mainly there are two types of bird migration depending upon distance. These include long-distance migration and short-distance migration. In addition, other types of bird migration include Latitudinal or Longitudinal, Altitudinal Migration, Partial, Seasonal, Diurnal and Nocturnal, Irruptive Migration, Leapfrog Migration, Loop Migration, Daily Migration and Molting Migration.

Species of Migratory Birds

Migratory birds are species of birds that travel from one region to another, typically on a seasonal basis. These migratory bird species include Arctic Tern, Swallows, Geese, Sandhill Crane, Hummingbirds, White Stork, and European Starlings. Common Cuckoo, Red Knot, Whooping Crane, Greater Flamingo, Common Swift, Common Teal, Siberian Cranes, Houbara, and so on.

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Climate Change Effects on Bird Migration

Climate Change effects on bird migration are not good. Climate change has an adverse impact on migratory birds. It is the main cause of the degradation of essential habitats like wetlands, grasslands, and forests. During migration birds rely on these habitats for resting and feeding before continuing their long journeys. Due to floods, these habitats are declining. In addition, the rise in sea level is also affecting habitats. Due to the rise in sea level, the loss of wetlands is putting pressure on waterfowl and other migratory birds that depend on this habitat during migration.

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Climate change effects on bird migration are also related to routes of migration. The African-Eurasian migratory route is under threat.  Climate change alters wetland areas in sub-Saharan Africa, where millions of birds stop to refuel. As well as, hurricanes, cyclones, and severe storms can cause direct mortality, disrupt migratory routes, and destroy habitats. Due to this, many migratory birds change their routes or completely cancel their migration.

More about Climate Change Effects on Bird Migration

Moreover, Climate change effects on bird migration are causing alterations in their migration patterns, survival rates, breeding success, and habitat availability. Migratory birds are highly sensitive to environmental changes. It also changes the migration route, timing, and overall success of migratory journeys. Warmer temperatures in spring are causing many bird species to migrate earlier than usual.

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Climate change effects on bird migration also relate to temperature. Birds rely on temperature and daylight cues to time their migration, but with climate change, these cues are shifting. However, some birds migrate earlier due to the unavailability of food resources such as insects or flowering plants. This can impact the survival of birds, especially during the breeding season when food is crucial for feeding their young.

In some cases, birds are also delaying their fall migration due to prolonged warm weather. Delayed autumn migration can affect their ability to reach wintering grounds before conditions become unfavorable. World Migratory Bird Day is working for Migratory Birds Conservation and protection of their habitat.

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Editor In Chief
Dr. Jassar Aftab is a qualified Veterinarian having expertise in veterinary communication. He is a renowned veterinary Journalist of Pakistan. He is veterinary columnist, veterinary writer and veterinary analyst. He is the author of three books. He has written a number of articles and columns on different topics related to livestock, dairy, poultry, wildlife, fisheries, food security and different aspects of animal sciences and veterinary education.

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