وزیر تحفظ جنگلی حیات پنجاب مستعفی

Minister wildlife Punjab resigned

Asad Khokhar resigned as Punjab Wildlife & Fisheries Minister  

Vitural veterinary expo inpakistan online Expo


وزیر تحفظ جنگلی حیات پنجاب مستعفی

وائلڈ لائف اینڈ فشریز کی وزارت کا قلمدان صمصام بخاری کے سپرد

Minister wildlife Punjab Asad Ali Khokhar resigned Minister wildlife Punjab Asad Ali Khokhar resigned Minister wildlife Punjab Asad Ali Khokhar resigned Minister wildlife Punjab Asad Ali Khokhar resigned Resignation of Minister wildlife Punjab Asad Ali Khokhar Minister wildlife Punjab Asad Ali Khokhar Minister wildlife Punjab resigned

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Editor In Chief
Dr. Jassar Aftab is a qualified Veterinarian having expertise in veterinary communication. He is a renowned veterinary Journalist of Pakistan. He is veterinary columnist, veterinary writer and veterinary analyst. He is the author of three books. He has written a number of articles and columns on different topics related to livestock, dairy, poultry, wildlife, fisheries, food security and different aspects of animal sciences and veterinary education.

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