سانپ کے زہر سے سانپ کاٹنے کی دوا کی تیاری، سانپوں کے عالمی دن پر خصوصی تحریر
NIH Islamabad produces Anti Snake Venom in Pakistan. NIH is National Institute of Health Islamabad. There are different types of anti snake venom Serum (ASVS). It depends upon the type of snake. Furthermore, venom is different for different types of snake bites. Moreover, anti snake Venom dosage or antivenom dose for snake bites is also different for different snake bites. If the snake type is not known, polyvalent anti snake venom serum is used. These details are available in this article.
ASVS produced in Pakistan is cheaper but its production is in limited quantity. This is due to its lengthy process. There are 5 steps to produce it. Although scientists use different animals in the lab, but mostly horse is preferred. Details of this process are also in this article.
In Pakistan, there are different types of snakes. This is why, NIH prepares venom against 4 snakes. Besides completion production steps, history of anti venom is also available in this article. Lab at NIH for anti Venom.
سانپوں کے عالمی دن پر لاہور چڑیا گھر میں تقریب ۔۔ روزنامہ آفتاب، ویٹرنری میٹرز
بجلی جیسا جھٹکا دینے والی سانپ نما مچھلی کے بارے دلچسپ حقائق، ڈاکٹر مجاہد حسین
سانپ کی دریافت شدہ نئی نسل کو ہیریسن فورڈ کا نام دے دیا گیا